When you meet orphans in their worlds and have the chance to get to know them and see what life is like for them in other countries you cannot forget it. You can no longer turn a blind eye. You can't help but crying tears of joy when another child comes home with their forever family. You can't help but want to see them all in families.
I will never forget Matteo from my time in Belize. He was so malnourished and broken in his flesh but oh how I loved spending my hours holding him and singing to him. He was so thin and his body was very crippled. He had just come to the home/orphanage as his family didn't have the resources to meet his needs. He has a piece of my heart. He taught me that God can make me strong and that we are to love and care for the children that others may reject or not feel comfortable around.
Then in Guatemala my sister brought us to the local hospital where children with disabilities live. Being able to hold and love on the children there was a beautiful experience.They loved being held. All the children just soak up the attention. A lot of the children have families who come to visit them but cannot meet their needs on a daily basis. I love seeing that people and missionaries continue to go and care for and engage with these children (and now adults for the older ones). We need to be the hands and feet of Christ.
I know that God has broken my heart for children with disabilities; especially if they are orphans. I can't get them out of my heart or mind.
Seeing first hand through Wyatt what a family does for children makes me want to advocate even more for children. It is not an easy road to walk but the reward of seeing the changes and life that a loving family brings is a miracle. It is redemption before your eyes. It is worth everything that the journey brings.
I feel that I have another child waiting for me in Bulgaria. I can't shake the feeling or sense. I knew that I would adopt again but I assumed it would years down the road.When I think of the thought of starting the process again and the raising of funds and all the paperwork and ups and downs of waiting; I'm tired thinking of it.... then God reminds me that He is faithful and provides. He reminds me of all the lessons and blessings of Wyatt's adoption. He reminds me that His timing is perfect. He reminds me of the life changed forever because of having a family. He reminds me that I am to live to please Him.
I am praying that God will make things clear and show me when the right timing is for me to start the process again. I cannot apply again until the beginning of February and I do not know if that is when I will start the process again. Please pray that I will know God's will in this and be obedient. That if there is another child in Bulgaria who is meant to be a Keno that God would make that clear.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
10 Ways Christians can care for Orphans and Waiting Children
10 Ways Christians can care for Orphans and Waiting Children by Hope for Orphans
- Pray for them- Matthew 7:7-8
- Speak up for them- Proverbs 31:8-9
- Provide for their needs- James 2:15-16
- Support those who support them- Hebrews 10:24
- Protect them from harm- Psalm 146:9
- Visit them where they are- James 1:27
- Give sacrificially to them- 2 Corinthians 9:7
- Encourage them to press on- 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Adopt them into your family- Psalm 68:5-6a
- Mobilizer your church for them- Matthew 28:18-20
I have been a Mom for 5 months. As I reflect about Wyatt's adoption I
am so grateful that Bulgaria gave me the honour of becoming Wyatt's Mom.
I do not take it for granted that they were so generous with me. I'm
thankful to the people in Bulgaria who did/do love Wyatt and cared about
and for him while he waited for me.
Wyatt has a light in his eyes and he knows he is loved. It comes out more each day with added personality and confidence. I do not have to tell him that he has a bright future- he knows he's going places.
He is learning to jump now on solid ground and is not afraid of climbing. He loves to dance to music and comes running if he hears it on. He's a country fan (might be because that's mainly what he hears)!
He still yells at people when we are out and pulls out his Mr Weeze sounds but he has toned it down a bit. It is his way of letting people know he's there and gaging their comfort level with him it seems. He wants his presence to be known.
In 2 months tomorrow Wyatt will turn 8 and it will be his first party surrounded by family. I am not sure he'll get the presents or the cake yet but he'll know he's loved. July will also bring the year mark from when I met him.
He sure has brought a new dimension and added joy to our lives and family.
He makes us laugh so much with his different expressions and he showers Andrea and I with tons of kisses. He gives the best hugs and if he wants up he won't quit until someone picks him up.
He still loves his chocolate pudding and fruit puree's the most. He likes pretty much anything we give him though as long as its pureed. We are thickening his drinks as well now and this has helped him be able to drink more at a meal. We will be starting the process of building his mouth muscles so he can chew and swallow properly. I have a knowledgeable lady assisting me in this and we will take it each week at a time and introduce things as he's ready.
I know that some people struggled with my decision to adopt and I want you to know that each day I know more certainly what I did was right for Wyatt and I. Each day isn't easy but the best things in life aren't easy. They require work and will have challenges. I was obedient and it was and is a journey of faith and trusting God. It wasn't what I pictured my life being like for my 29th year but boy is it a year to remember. Everything from people's generosity, to God providing meat for us, to God providing answers to prayers. I have no doubt this is where Wyatt is meant to be and that at this time in my life I was meant to adopt.
God asks us all to walk out our journeys in different ways. Whatever He calls us to do we need to say yes and be obedient. One day we will all stand before God and answer for our obedience and disobedience. We won't answer for our neighbours, friends or family members; just our own. I want to stand before God one day and know that I did my best. With this in mind I pray that pleasing God and following Him guides my actions. I don't know what the days and years ahead will hold but I do know that I have the honour of raising my son as part of whatever journey comes our way.
Wyatt has a light in his eyes and he knows he is loved. It comes out more each day with added personality and confidence. I do not have to tell him that he has a bright future- he knows he's going places.
He is learning to jump now on solid ground and is not afraid of climbing. He loves to dance to music and comes running if he hears it on. He's a country fan (might be because that's mainly what he hears)!
He still yells at people when we are out and pulls out his Mr Weeze sounds but he has toned it down a bit. It is his way of letting people know he's there and gaging their comfort level with him it seems. He wants his presence to be known.
In 2 months tomorrow Wyatt will turn 8 and it will be his first party surrounded by family. I am not sure he'll get the presents or the cake yet but he'll know he's loved. July will also bring the year mark from when I met him.
He sure has brought a new dimension and added joy to our lives and family.
He makes us laugh so much with his different expressions and he showers Andrea and I with tons of kisses. He gives the best hugs and if he wants up he won't quit until someone picks him up.
He still loves his chocolate pudding and fruit puree's the most. He likes pretty much anything we give him though as long as its pureed. We are thickening his drinks as well now and this has helped him be able to drink more at a meal. We will be starting the process of building his mouth muscles so he can chew and swallow properly. I have a knowledgeable lady assisting me in this and we will take it each week at a time and introduce things as he's ready.
I know that some people struggled with my decision to adopt and I want you to know that each day I know more certainly what I did was right for Wyatt and I. Each day isn't easy but the best things in life aren't easy. They require work and will have challenges. I was obedient and it was and is a journey of faith and trusting God. It wasn't what I pictured my life being like for my 29th year but boy is it a year to remember. Everything from people's generosity, to God providing meat for us, to God providing answers to prayers. I have no doubt this is where Wyatt is meant to be and that at this time in my life I was meant to adopt.
God asks us all to walk out our journeys in different ways. Whatever He calls us to do we need to say yes and be obedient. One day we will all stand before God and answer for our obedience and disobedience. We won't answer for our neighbours, friends or family members; just our own. I want to stand before God one day and know that I did my best. With this in mind I pray that pleasing God and following Him guides my actions. I don't know what the days and years ahead will hold but I do know that I have the honour of raising my son as part of whatever journey comes our way.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Three Months Home Update
Wyatt which means strong and brave is so fitting for him. He is brave and is becoming very strong. He holds our hands when he needs assurance or will ask to be picked up when he needs the extra safe feeling but he once he is comfortable he walks around with authority like he owns the place.
We are making ground in the area of eating. He mainly eats pureed food still and he sure loves his food but he is open to trying other things now. He is starting to have some baby cookies and puffs that dissolve easily and is now showing interest in my food. He doesn't get how to chew but he is trying. He has a square of a Caramilk bar a day- this is his feeding therapy ;) He will try to chew it and moves it around until it melts.We are starting feeding therapy in June with his new Occupational Therapist.
Typical day of meals
Breakfast: baby cereal, fruit and yogurt
Lunch: pureed meal that contains meat, dairy, starch and veggies
Snack: pudding, apple sauce or runny jello
Supper: pureed meal that contains meat, dairy, starch and veggies
Snack: Fruit
We have decreased his meals to have typical amounts of fat and just use pediasure when we are out as a meal replacement. He has gained weight and is now 40 lbs. He has gained so much strength and muscle and is officially in a size 4 or 5 clothing size. He is now 42" and last time we measured him he was under 40".
Hitting, biting, scratching, hair pulling, head butting, etc is decreasing. It comes out when he is over stimulated or tired. For example he decided 4:30 was a great time to get up for the day this past week and so we saw the behaviours more that day. Where today he slept amazing and there was nothing. It is decreasing a lot though and we are seeing huge strides in this area.
My son who before wouldn't stand on anything except the floor will now stand up on the couch, his bed and he even got up and stood on the stool after he saw me do the same. He is becoming so brave and confident. He is so proud of himself when he masters new things.
He loves to swing now. He got a new slide this week andalthough he isn't able to climb up himself (he learned today how to climb up himself) he loves sliding down it. When Wyatt used to go outside he would sit in one place and not move.
Now he marches around and will interact more with the toys and items in
the back yard. He loves to swing and yesterday started to walk up the
slide on our castle and then he would turn around, sit down and slide
down. He learned how to climb up into his castle tower and was so excited that he learned how to walk up the slide to the top. It is not a very big slide but it shows he has confidence now to
try new things on his own. He loves to be near and watching what our
respite children and his cousins are doing.
Last week he said "hi" twice and he continues to say "up", "mama", "mom" and "dada". We are working on "caca (Auntie)" next.
I applied for the At Home Program and last week he was accepted into the program. This means that we now have funding for therapies and so he starts with a occupational therapist on Monday. We can also increase the amount of visits from the physiotherapist. We are still waiting to get into speech therapy. As well, the funding pays for his diapers and wipes amongst other things. I am grateful that our BC Government has this program.
Saturday we went swimming at our local pool and he loved it and didn't seem to be phased by the different temperatures of water. He held onto me the whole time but he would blow bubbles and did enjoy his time. He is going to love his kiddie pool this summer.
I love Wyatt and i am so thankful I am his Mom. He adds adventure to our home and lives. He adores his Auntie Andrea and showers us with kisses each day.
We are making ground in the area of eating. He mainly eats pureed food still and he sure loves his food but he is open to trying other things now. He is starting to have some baby cookies and puffs that dissolve easily and is now showing interest in my food. He doesn't get how to chew but he is trying. He has a square of a Caramilk bar a day- this is his feeding therapy ;) He will try to chew it and moves it around until it melts.We are starting feeding therapy in June with his new Occupational Therapist.
Typical day of meals
Breakfast: baby cereal, fruit and yogurt
Lunch: pureed meal that contains meat, dairy, starch and veggies
Snack: pudding, apple sauce or runny jello
Supper: pureed meal that contains meat, dairy, starch and veggies
Snack: Fruit
We have decreased his meals to have typical amounts of fat and just use pediasure when we are out as a meal replacement. He has gained weight and is now 40 lbs. He has gained so much strength and muscle and is officially in a size 4 or 5 clothing size. He is now 42" and last time we measured him he was under 40".
Hitting, biting, scratching, hair pulling, head butting, etc is decreasing. It comes out when he is over stimulated or tired. For example he decided 4:30 was a great time to get up for the day this past week and so we saw the behaviours more that day. Where today he slept amazing and there was nothing. It is decreasing a lot though and we are seeing huge strides in this area.
My son who before wouldn't stand on anything except the floor will now stand up on the couch, his bed and he even got up and stood on the stool after he saw me do the same. He is becoming so brave and confident. He is so proud of himself when he masters new things.
He loves to swing now. He got a new slide this week and
Last week he said "hi" twice and he continues to say "up", "mama", "mom" and "dada". We are working on "caca (Auntie)" next.
I applied for the At Home Program and last week he was accepted into the program. This means that we now have funding for therapies and so he starts with a occupational therapist on Monday. We can also increase the amount of visits from the physiotherapist. We are still waiting to get into speech therapy. As well, the funding pays for his diapers and wipes amongst other things. I am grateful that our BC Government has this program.
Saturday we went swimming at our local pool and he loved it and didn't seem to be phased by the different temperatures of water. He held onto me the whole time but he would blow bubbles and did enjoy his time. He is going to love his kiddie pool this summer.
I love Wyatt and i am so thankful I am his Mom. He adds adventure to our home and lives. He adores his Auntie Andrea and showers us with kisses each day.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Three Months Home in Pictures
Wyatt has been home for 3 months next Tuesday. I wish I could fully capture and show you the changes we have seen in him. His personality comes out more each day and he is figuring out that he can have a say in life. He is very confident in situations that he is comfortable in. He is such a loved little boy and I can't imagine my life without him.
January/first 3 days of February
February at Home
January/first 3 days of February
She came back for me! |
February at Home
First time he wasn't scared of the bath and he got into the empty tub on his own...now we keep the bathroom door shut! |
Family walk |
He thought he was pretty funny as he was pulling out the chives/grass |
He thought he would taste the Easter egg dye |
First Easter Egg Hunt! Papa found my eggs and i cuddled with Nana |
I used to be so sad of the swing but now i love it! |
Easter Outfit from Uncle Brent |
if i leave my bedroom door open this is where you will find him now! |
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