Saturday, March 14, 2015

I am re-writing my about me page as things have changed in the past 2 years!

I am a late-twenty-something year old who is the eldest in a family of eight children. My five youngest siblings joined our family through adoption and have varying disabilities. I am so thankful that each of them have joined our family as it means life is never dull or boring.
I have my business degree as well as completed a diploma in disability studies. I work as an assistant at a baptist church on Vancouver Island and love my job. I get to interact with people everyday and am learning so much about the administrative aspects of a church. I love God and desire to serve him through the way I live.
I have always wanted to adopt and feel that God is saying now is the time. So, I am walking forward on this journey and trusting that God will lead me to a child who will become a “Keno”. I am requesting a child with Down Syndrome and know that there will be challenges ahead but the honour of being chosen to raise him/her will be worth every challenges. My brothers and Aunt add so much joy to my life and I see them as a huge blessing; never a burden. They are loved children of God who teach me new things all the time. I am excited to see who my child will be and I know that my faith will grow through this time.

I am an almost-thirty-year-old Mother of the sweetest little 7 year old. Wyatt made me a mommy through the gift of adoption. He is blessed with Down Syndrome and from Bulgaria. On January 31st, 2015 he walked out the centre doors and we officially started our life today.

I love my family and spend alot of time with my siblings, nephew, niece and parents. I am enjoying watching Wyatt get to know our family. He sure is a loved little guy and is blessed to have 3 Uncles and 1 Great-Auntie with Down Syndrome. I hope that one day in the nearer future he will also have a little brother who shares his extra chromosome and heritage as well.
I am currently on leave from my job and so right now I get to be a Mom full-time and i am loving every minute of it. I get to spend my days watching Wyatt explore his new world and i get to cheer him on as he learns new skills and hold his hand and tell him it is okay when he is scared. Life is amazing!

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