Sunday, September 28, 2014

Half Packed

Wyatt's suitcase is packed and the only thing I need to add is some baby food for trip home and his new Disney shirts from my sister and brothers.

I have my list made and will pack the day before I leave as I need everything until then.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

This Love

This Love by Mandi Mapes

I’ve never felt this way before
funny how you found you’re way to my door   
and suddenly my prayers are coming true
and these arms are not letting go of you

this love this love is the deep kind
you’re my baby, you’re my sunshine
I’ll hold your hand, be your biggest fan
and I’ll love you all of the time

our eyes are not quite the same shade
and your hair blows in the wind a different way 
but I am your mother and 
I love you just the same 
so I’ll take your hand honey 
and you can take my name

my heart has been redeemed,
adopted and now I know my Father
this grace that I’ve received 
I want to show you
I want to show you

this love this love is the deep kind
it hangs on through the storm and the sunshine
I’ll hold your hand, be your biggest fan
and I’ll love you all of the time


I received an email from my agency to say that starting next week (tomorrow) I can expect to hear about a signature and court date. This doesn't mean that next week I will get the email I am waiting for but it does mean I am getting closer. The judges are starting to come back from their summer vacations and so people are getting dates. It is the waiting game continued but I know that each day I am closer to bringing Wyatt home and most days that keeps my emotions in check:)  I do miss him and want him home with me but then I also realize that I have lots to do in the coming months and so I am working hard at getting things checked off my list.

Yesterday, we moved our extra beds and some items we have been given into a storage unit. God has been providing used things through friends this past while and so I am trusting that when the timing is right that God will provide us with a bigger house. We love our house we are renting right now but we are realizing that we will need 2 more bedrooms coming up so that our respite kiddo's have their own rooms. For now we are content and will continue to accept things that people no longer need.

I was given some adoption scrapbooking supplies and so I am excited to start Wyatt's first album that we can look through together and I can tell him all about how loved he is by so many. People have sacrificed and given so that he has an opportunity to live in a family. I am grateful for the people around me who see that Wyatt is worth loving and fighting for.

As much as I had the opportunity to meet Wyatt and spend 5 days with him I cannot wait to really get to know him. I also cannot wait to introduce him to everyone and I know that many be limited at first so that he has time to adjust to life in Canada with a Mom but eventually he will have an opportunity to meet all of you. He may never be able to say the words thank you but he will be able to use his smile and laughter to do that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Is it nesting or just getting prepared? I have a drive to get everything ready and so although I have things I still need I now have a bed, strollers, booster seat for eating, diaper bag, dresser, car seat, clothes, foot ware, toys and jackets. Most of it is pre-loved:)

I need a thermometer, diapers, wipes and a few general children's medications. Those are items I will pick up after I pass court. I am hoping for a court date in October but I guess time will tell.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Finacial Update/Upcoming Fundraisers

Well I have learned that even if you think you know how much something will cost it always seems to cost more than expected! Adoption seems to have a lot of hidden costs that they do not list on the break down sheets. So today I have re-looked at what I need to raise and unfortunately it is around $39,000 that the adoption is going to end up costing ( that is as long as there are no unexpected surprises going forward). That means I have $7000 left to raise before Wyatt is ready to come home.

I have 4 last fundraisers planned and I am hoping that it will bring me close to the amount needed.

1. In late October I will be hosting another online auction with many items that will be great for Christmas presents!! If you wish to donate any items please let me know!

2. I will be doing a Purdy's Chocolate fundraiser at Christmas again for local families.

3. Lastly, you can purchase magazine subscriptions HERE and 37% of the profits go towards my adoption.

4. If you live locally and have returnable drink containers I have an account at the Parksville Bottle Depot and you just have to ask them to put it towards the "Keno Adoption Fund".

Thank you for your support. I could not have done this without each of you!