One year ago tomorrow I officially started my home study and a year later I am waiting to hear my court date. I never dreamed it would move along like it has. Last year at this time I was lost to know how I would ever have enough money to fund my adoption and you have all come alongside of me and made my dream of adopting come true. Without you this adoption would not have been possible at this time.
Last year I was needing well over $30,000 and now I am needing under $6,000. It has not been an easy but it is worth it. Some weeks I feel like I could sleep for days but I guess that is preparing me for the years ahead.
Today as I celebrate my 29th birthday I am grateful for the people around me who have supported me on this journey. This past year has been a full year:
-started and finished my homestudy and dossier
-was matched with Wyatt
-trip with Andrea and Brent to Disney Land
-meet Wyatt!
-Travelled to Europe/Eastern Europe for the first time (my body doesn't like the time changes)
-became a Mom in my heart
-made many dear friends in the adoption world
-held fundraisers
-started getting the supplies I will need for my son
-picked the theme of his room
-learned you cannot please people all of the time (not easy for me to learn)
What is to come this year:
-I will become a Mom officially on paper
-another trip across the ocean
-Wyatt will come home
-I have the honour of bringing Christmas gifts to children, youth and adults in the organization that runs Wyatt's centre
-I will have 42 weeks to bond with Wyatt before I go back to work
-I am hoping to introduce Wyatt to my friends in AB and SK as well to bring him to meet Dale and Vasko (friends we met while in BG)
-I get to introduce Wyatt to my friends, family and favourite spots on the Island
Thank you for your support and coming along on this journey with me.