Sunday, November 24, 2013

Financial Update

 The Purdy's fundraiser raised $263 and the magazine fundraiser has raised $154 so far!! Along with the other money I have saved and raised through the silent auction, card sales and donations we are at a total of $15,605!!!

That means I have less than $20,000 to raise and save!! I am so thankful to God for his provision-He has provided the money for each payment that was due and I am trusting He will continue to do so. Thank you for allowing Him to use you. I cannot wait to tell my son about all the people who helped me raise him ransom.

Thank you for loving my son and supporting me on this journey. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to each of you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Home Study and Dossier Update!!

On Sunday, I met with my social worker (my last trip down to Victoria!) and the meeting went really well! On December 8th she will come and do our home inspection and finish up the educational aspect of the home study. After that she will write the home study, send it to the Executive Director and then send it back to me for a proof reading and then we will all sign it and it will be ready to go!

Now onto my dossier. I have started to collect the items that I need to collect for it and my hope is that it will be ready to go early in the new year. It was looking that it may take into the new year to find a specialist to complete my psychological evaluation but today I got a call and it looks like it will be complete by the end of this month.

My dossier checklist includes:

_____ Original Home Study (Expected to be done at Christmas)
_____ Hague Approval Letter (Agency will apply for this)
_____ Birth Certificate (Ready to Go)
_____ Original Criminal Records Checks (Will be doing in the next couple weeks)
_____ Medical Evaluation (DONE)
_____ Psychological Evaluation (Should be done this month)
_____ MCFD Prior Contact Check (DONE)
_____ 6 Family Photos
_____ Photocopy of Passport (Ready to Go)
_____ Immigration Pre-Approval (Will be applying in the next couple weeks)

Things are falling into place and God is providing each step of the way. The next fee I am saving for is my Bulgarian Agency Fee of $11,000 to $14,000 (waiting to hear the specific amount). 

Praise and Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for providing $12,710 (over a 1/3 funded)!!!!!
  • Providing a Psychiatrist to do my evaluation
  • God would continue to watch over and care for my son
  • That He would prepare my heart and mind for the months ahead
  • That my pre-approval to adopt from Immigration would be processed and not lost in the system
  • That God would bless those who are coming alongside of my and my future son 
  • That God would provide my next fees. 

Thank you for journeying with me. I am blessed! 

Much love,

Friday, November 8, 2013

Kisses From Katie

If you are ever looking for a good book to read that will inspire you Kisses From Katie is a book I highly recommend. Katie is a young women who went to Uganda on a short term missions trip and it stole her heart. She went back to Uganda for a year to teach and through that time God planted dreams in her heart and she still lives there today. She is the founder of Amazima and is a mom to 13 daughters that she has adopted in Uganda. She continues to give of herself each day to serve and love those around her. She is truly inspirational! 

I would love to share some quotes from her book that have challenged me. 

"My family, adopting these children, it is not optional. It is not my good deed for the day; it is not what I am doing to 'help out these poor kids.' I adopt because God commands me to care for the orphans and widows in their distress. I adopt because Jesus says that to whom much is give, much will be demanded and because whoever finds his life will loose it but whoeverlooses his life for my sake will find it."